September 27th – School and local corn harvesting

Flexibility of the school system My assignment changed for the week as the headmaster shuffled staff to support the students. I taught the three forms of math and got one class of ICT in for the week. We started school without a science teacher so the headmaster needed to make some adjustments in the schedule. I’m told that we will have a science teacher next week so I’ll likely start ICT form 1 and 2 and my original schedule of form 1 math. It was nice to be able to see all three forms and get to know the students a little better. There are over 60 students crammed into the form 2 room. This makes teaching difficult but it should become easier when we move to the new school building and larger classrooms. Harvest time This is the start of harvest time in the region. Of course food has been continually harvested throughout the last several months: yams as already mentioned, along with okra, tomatoes, peppers, onions and other crops ha...