Love always

Wow what a week with New Orleans, St. Paul, and Dallas.  And the list goes on. 

Anger, fear, greed, and other such feelings lead to misery and the sort of violence we have in this country.  I’m not saying the sort of violence that we had in this country in this past week.  I’m saying the violence that we have in this country.  Period exclamation point!  The violence in the past week, past month, past year and will likely continue next week, next month, and next year – UNLESS WE DO SOMETHING.

People fear that the cycle of violence is increasing.  People tweeting “this is now war” feed into the cycle of fear and hate that threatens to overtake our country only make matters worse.

Each person, in their own way, needs to do something not only to stop our negative environment of anger, fear, etc. but to create a positive environment.

I’ve been waiting for a chance to explain my closing – “Love always” in these posts.  Unfortunately I have one.

When I write letters to my family “Love always” means what you would expect – that I promise my love always to the person.  However, I’ve always been a fan of double and hidden meanings.

 “Love always” at the end of each blog post here means something different.

My experience in volunteering for Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Peace Corps, and other everyday opportunities has not always been easy.  It is frequently hard.  However, trying to make the world a better place is one way I try to show my love to the world and I feel good after the act of kindness.  I certainly am far from a saint and I definitely don’t follow my recommendation all the time, but I try.  I am happy when I try – when I try to love always.

So “Love always” in this blog is given as a recommendation for a happy life.  As an added benefit, or perhaps the primary benefit, it will help make your community, state, nation, and world a better place.  How you practice it is up to you.

Anyway, something to think about.

(I encourage you to) Love always, (regardless of the situation)



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