Christmas time

I did not hear any jingle bells and did not see any stocking hung by the chimney with care. Christmas in my part of Ghana is not commercialized. It may be different in the big cities in the south. I'm in the Upper West Region. The region has a very high poverty rate. There are plenty of cars in the capital Accra and other southern cities. There are plenty of motorcycles a few hundred miles south. Many people here cannot afford a bicycle. This is not to say that no one has a car – there are some around and a good number of people have motorcycles. There are a lot of bicycles, but most people walk. Walking miles at times.... Most everyone has a farm to have staple food to eat and perhaps something to sell. Money is required for school fees, cell phone credit, and to buy a few things. Teachers, bankers and some government workers get a salary and have days off. However, most people here have shops, sell in the market, or otherwise find ways to make a little money. Ladi...