Happy Thanksgiving

Another holiday away from family, part of Peace Corps. This Thanksgiving I was among friends celebrating the American Holiday with a rather typical Thanksgiving meal. The Principal Officer and ChargĂ© D’affaries in Grenada, Mr. Frahm and his wife hosted a Thanksgiving dinner for the Peace Corps volunteers on Grenada. And there are a lot of volunteers on the island. Sorry for the picture quality, but liked the picture anyway Sitting eating and chatting. You can just see me in the far back sort of middle... The turkey, stuffing, gravy and all the food was very nice. The Peace Corps volunteers brought side dishes to go with the sides provided. I brought a roasted sweet potato and pumpkin dish seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg syrup. (The nutmeg syrup is made from the nutmeg pericarp, the fleshy part that covers the part of the nutmeg that is used for the spice.) No recipe, just using things grown and produced on the island. The sweet potatoes were grown in my backy...