Counterpart Conference

Wabe Shebelle Hotel, Addis Leaving Bui for the conference. I'll finish training in Tigray with a different host family. So, I’ve been though a lot of training in the past 6+ weeks and I’m over the half way point. My primary agriculture project will be increasing the productivity of: kitchen gardens, bee hives/honey, and poultry. These three things, either directly or by income generation are intended to support improved nutrition – particularly for child bearing women and children in the first 1,000 days from conception to two years. So far I’ve double dug a garden and built a bee hive using local materials and mud. We helped transfer a hive of bees from a traditional colony (used because it is easier to capture the swarm) to a Kenyan flat top (used to improve the collection of honey and wax). In the coming weeks we will be building a chicken coop and caring for chickens. Putting the finishing touches on the hive. We cut bars that go across the top for the b...