
Showing posts from March, 2020

Pictures of Ethiopia interrupted

"Staging" in D.C. January 12th through March 21st. This has been a crazy few months and I’m not going to use a lot of words to describe it as I’m still processing everything with lingering jet lag.  But I have a few pictures Ready for the flight to Ethiopia About 40 of us gathered in DC after having put our lives on hold for 27 months and generally packing too much stuff. We were worried and excited, eager and afraid to get the show on the road. After a little training in DC we were on the flight to Ethiopia. Landed and organizing luggage On the bus to get the show on the road We have about 3 months of preservice training (PST) before we can become Peace Corps volunteers. During this time we stay with generous host families to help us experience and understand the culture and the basics of life in our new country. Homestay family Religious festival early in training I came with fellow agriculture volunteers and health volunteer...

Site Visit – Near Axum, Tigray

We have donkeys to carry water and such.  The camel is used to transport stones and heavy material This week I visited my site. It is a small village about 20 km from Axum, Tigray, Ethiopia. It is on a dirt road about 4 km from the main road that is nicely paved. Some buses travel the dirt road and sometimes I walk to the main road. The purpose of the site visit is for me to see the place where I will be working and living for 2 years and for the people there to meet me and see me. I will be living in a small family compound with only two houses. The parents and three children live in the house, which is two rooms and I’m in a single room house of my own. There is a wall and a locked gate on the compound and a lock on my door. Oh, there are also 9 hens on 1 rooster. One very load rooster. Very nice host family with two of the three sons. When I get a table this part of the room will be the dining room, study, and shower area My bed will be next to the...