Voting with my wallet

We are still in the pandemic and I hope we can continue to wear masks and decrease the spread while we increase vaccinations. Many have died and countless are still suffering physically and financially due to the pandemic. Others able to work from home, save money, and stay safe have done better. We can begin to see that we will get over this and eagerly wait for the economy to return to normal. I hope it doesn’t. Wealth Inequality From the 1980s our economy has been changed to create wealth inequality – workers are receiving proportionally less for the value they create, pay proportionally more in taxes, suffer from fewer rights, and receive less government support. Executives, shareholders, and those with generational wealth take the lion’s share and more of our country’s wealth and prosperity. As seen in the graphs below it didn’t have to be so unfair. Every country has problems, but Europeans tend to treat members of their society better including...