I got packages – living as a Peace Corps Volunteer - and zai pits

Packages I got two packages this week – one from relatives in New Jersey and one from relatives in Virginia. Thanks to all. Wow, it is so nice to get a package and to get two in one week is very nice. One was mailed on the December 12 th and another on the 16 th . So about 5 weeks for delivery. A package also mailed on December 12 th came more a week ago - so go figure. I don't even begin to wonder about a package until six weeks. In these two packages I got things for the kitchen, for my hair, my head, my mind, and my stomach. Everything touched my heart with the thoughtfulness. With the newly added food chopper, cutting boards, pepper mill, seasonings, and such my kitchen is now nicely supplied. I can't think of anything else I need. (Although when I get to hot season and I still don't have a refrigerator I may need to rethink what I need.) I'm going to get some clay planting pots made to use the herb seeds I received. I also got hair cutting sci...