Extreme Home Make-Over: Ghana Edition

I've been wanting to write this post about home remodeling and building in the Upper West for some time but I've been waiting for the story to finish. Most of the homes, latrines, walls, and outbuilding in the area are made of mud bricks. Which seems crazy because the place has torrential driving rains during part of the year. How do they stand? The building season is during the dry season; around December to around May. Men are responsible for building so it is mainly the work of men and boys. Although women and girls do bring some of the water to make the mud. Roger's primary building project was a make-over so I'm risking copyright infringement but it does fit my post. He wanted to make bedrooms for the two older children still at home and a storage room. He needed to break down a wall that was in the way of the addition to start. Breaking down walls made from mud bricks gives you the raw material for new mud walls, just add water. Actually is it a lit...