Mother's day and a slight interruption of the development post

The mother eagle and the nest

I talked with a local man who has been involved in development projects for years. He has worked for an NGO but now works independently with his local community while maintaining a full time job at a local hospital. When I asked for his thoughts on African development he told me the story of the mother eagle and the nest. He said the story originated in Africa, but it is wide spread and I could not find a good reference for the origin.

His story is a metaphor for African development needing initial external help, but not forever. As this is mother's day – I decided to delay my post on development.  It is coming - I promise.  Ask my daughter about my promises if you don't trust me.

Note: I lived in the land of the bald eagle (they overwinter on the Missouri and Mississippi river near St. Louis) so I know eagles partner for life and both parents rear their young. Both parents incubate the eggs and while the mother spends more time feeding the young the father also provides food (particularly for the growing hungry family).  So, while focusing on the mother may not be factually correct is (approximately) how the story was told to me and fits better on Mother's day anyway.

My friend described how the mother builds the nest. Starting with branches and such that are woven together the nest is strong but uncomfortable and dangerous for the eggs and young eaglets. There are so many sharp points and places for the egg and then the eaglet to get stuck and hurt. Therefore, she pulls soft down from her belly and lays thick layers to make the nest not only safe but very comfortable before she lays her eggs.

When the eaglets hatch the mother spends her time finding food on the ground and bringing it up to the nest. All the children have to do is open their mouths and let the food fall in.  In between feeding they just lay around and relax on the soft comfortable down covered nest.

However, the mother knows that the eaglets will not grow properly in this environment. The mother places the food down in the nest and the eaglets have to work a bit to tear and eat it. The mother begins to gradually remove the soft downy layer while they are distracted with the food. The eaglets would like to just open their mouths and get food from above, but the place becomes increasingly uncomfortable.

The eaglets begins to complain and think that there must be a more comfortable place.  They may even think that mom is being unfair and unkind by not maintaining the comfortable environment. The eaglets would prefer to just to relax and let others take care of them forever.  However, the nest gradually becomes so crowded and uncomfortable that the they begins to think about leaving the nest for good.

The mother then does something even worse from the eaglet's perspective. The food does not come as often. Now, the children are really frustrated. The mother tells then that the food comes from the ground below rather than above, but they don't believe her. They think that their mother is bad and horrible for not providing food. The mother is gone for longer and longer periods while their stomachs ache. Their resentment builds up until they decide somewhere else would be better.

During this time the mother is close by watching and protecting the nest, but out of site of the eaglets. She does not push the eaglets out of the nest or tell them when to leave.  She lets them decide while creating an environment for them to make the correct decision.

So the eaglet tests its wings, looks over the edge, jumps and tries to fly away. However, because this is the first flight the wings and the body are not strong enough for the flight and the mother is ready to swoop under the young bird and provides her back so the young can have a safe landing.

Once on the ground the mother shows the young how to catch some food. The eaglet eagerly opens its mouth for an easy meal. The mother, greedily perhaps, swallows the food frustrating and angering the young eagle. It is driven to find its own food and eventually does.

On the flight back to the nest the mother supports the eaglet but does not do all the work. From here on it will find more and more work is required. Required for it to eventually leave the nest for good and be an independent soaring eagle.

Happy Mother's Day

Thanks for everything mom!  You taught me how to love and the nice thing about giving you all my love is that it all remains to be shared with others.

I want to wish all, particularly my mother, mother-in-law, wife, sister, sisters-in-law, and daughter-in-law, a very happy Mother's day. Aunts as well. Also nieces who have children. OK, also all my family and friends who are mothers. OK, let's just say I wish a Happy Mother's Day to all ….


I go back for a check up this week during this first week of school as this is a time for administrative work by the teachers and cleaning the school and grounds by the students.  I hope to be back on Sunday afternoon (possibly delaying the next post) but ready to teach on Monday.

All the best and love always,



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