Second week home

Peace Corps Volunteers know that life goes on back home while we are away in service. We worry about our families – their health and well being back home. Since we are not around we don't know everything going on back home. We don't always know how people are really doing. Of course, the same is true of our families and friends who worry about our health and well being in our remote communities. They have an even harder time understanding what and how we are doing in a different culture under rather austere living conditions. Even with skype calls and blogs it is not always (not ever) possible to let people back home know how we are really doing. My daughter's wedding gives me the opportunity to come home to visit and to reconnect with family and friends. Spending time together in the same room is a good way to reconnect. Seeing each other and spending time together has been very nice. I spent this week with my mom and family in Northwest Arkansas. My family g...