Samantha’s visit

My daughter's visit - GREAT BIRTHDAY PRESENT I skipped posting the last two weeks because my daughter came to visit. We had a great time, seeing the island – mainly the beaches and spending time talking and catching up on things. She arrived on Saturday July 12th so she could be here for my birthday, on the 16th and for her mom’s birthday on the 18th. Arriving flight Don't see her, but she is getting off The buses don’t run on Sunday buses. So after church and lunch we walked down to Mt. Carmel falls. Didn't get a picture, but she climbed a good way up the rocks under the falls The rest of the time we took the buses and she became an expert. We managed to see Grand Etang, take a hike and see one of the monkeys. Too many people around for the monkey to climb on her, but we did get in some muddy hiking around the lake. They sort of have wifi here for a phone home A bag of guinep / chenet / skinip And of cour...