What do I think? A time for some good byes and simplifying.
Saturday was the last day of the morning men’s
discussion group at my Church. The
program is called “That Man is You” or TMIY.
In our parish we meet on Saturday mornings starting in the fall and ending
in the spring. We’ve been meeting for
three years now. The best part of the
meeting is the table discussions. My
table, #2, is the best #1 table. The guys
got me a picture as a going away present.
Good-bye all, I’m going to miss the fellowship and the breakfasts!
This was the first week of my retirement and it has given my
time to think about what needs to be done before I leave. On Tuesday I had a happy hour that lasted
about four hours. I would like to thank
my friends from Express Scripts, MasterCard, and from Church who stopped by to
wish me well and to exchange good-byes and good luck. It was a nice time and I wished I would have
been able to talk more to everyone – thanks again.
Selling or renting a house and what to do with a lifetime of
stuff is a major discussion topic for the 50+ year old future volunteers. Many people farther along into service report
a pleasant liberation to be not so encumbered by so much stuff.
In my case the house is easy: I’m moving out and my oldest
is moving in with his wife. However,
over a lifetime one does gather stuff.
So, with the help of the kids I decided some of what should to be saved
and what can to be released. This is not
always the easy and I’m far from done. However,
pat myself the time back time; I did make some respectable progress.
My neighborhood schedules are garage (tag) sell twice a
year. This year it just so happened that
the sale was schedule for the first week after my retirement so I could get
ready for it. The sale was Friday and
Saturday and I spent much of the time this week getting things moved out.
The garage sale was a big success – more so because I was
able to meet some nice people. A couple
of the big things went to a younger family who can put it to good use. Kevin – sorry I missed you, but if you read
this before I leave you still owe me a beer for helping put the entertainment
center in your van.
On the way to Church today on a radio program I heard some
research into happiness. The researcher
spoke of how happiness is mainly gained through experiences rather than
stuff. This may be why Peace Corps
Volunteers seem so happy :-). The radio
program mentioned the website http://www.beyondthepurchase.org/. As I've not spent much time in it yet I’m not
recommending it, but on the surface it looks interesting. Among the other books I've read on the
subject is Voluntary Simplicity: Toward a
Way of Life That Is Outwardly Simple, Inwardly Rich by Duane Elgin. I do recommend that book. I think we all would be better off if we
bought less stuff.
This morning was “Fellowship” Sunday (think coffee and
donuts). Once a month my parish has
donuts and coffee after mass. This was
my last “donut” Sunday. I’ll be
traveling next month to visit family and friends to the north and the south, so
more good-byes this morning.
Family and friends are so important; a lesson that I am
still learning. I guess life is about
learning such lessons; we are each in a different place and all trying to do
the best we can in the current moment with the current cards in our hand. I hope to learn much more about life and
myself as I take my next steps towards a simpler life in Africa and beyond.
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