I’m a Peace Corps Trainee
Staging gets everyone prepared for the travel and is a prelude to Pre-Service Training in the country. Staging was nice with modules following a pattern of the trainer giving the information, small group discussing the subject, then everyone giving feedback. Staging yesterday started with ice breakers at noon and then training started a little bit before 2 pm and ended early, a fair bit before 7 pm. 22 “invitees” arrived – a nice group of men and women – at the end of staging we were Peace Corps Trainees (PCTs) I am the only one anywhere close to using an AARP card – wonder if they give discounts in Ghana. Today will be spent waiting in the hotel for the ride to the airport, waiting in the airport until 6 pm or so, flying to Frankfurt, waiting in Germany, flying to Ghana – arriving about 7 pm local time in Accra (2 pm central time with daylight savings time). Time to get to know the members of the group. We all have fears and ambitions, streng...