I’m a Peace Corps Trainee

Staging gets everyone prepared for the travel and is a prelude to Pre-Service Training in the country.  Staging was nice with modules following a pattern of the trainer giving the information, small group discussing the subject, then everyone giving feedback.

Staging yesterday started with ice breakers at noon and then training started a little bit before 2 pm and ended early, a fair bit before 7 pm.  22 “invitees” arrived – a nice group of men and women – at the end of staging we were Peace Corps Trainees (PCTs)

I am the only one anywhere close to using an AARP card – wonder if they give discounts in Ghana.

Today will be spent waiting in the hotel for the ride to the airport, waiting in the airport until 6 pm or so, flying to Frankfurt, waiting in Germany, flying to Ghana – arriving about 7 pm local time in Accra (2 pm central time with daylight savings time).  Time to get to know the members of the group.  We all have fears and ambitions, strengths and weaknesses. 

And so, this next step is hear, really really real.  Although I’m looking forward to doing this I am missing my family and friends.  Take care, all my love and prayers.


  1. Hopefully you are settling in and training with your host family is going smoothly. All is well state side and TC is as you left it.


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