Post delayed

After many weeks on site the Peace Corps pulls everyone in my group left in country for "In-Service Training" and reconnecting the volunteers as a group again.  Two people terminated their service and one person is under medical care in Washington D.C. (Peace Corps does take care of the volunteers)

So I'm back at Samaritan Village in Kumasi.  I got to the bus station in Nandom at 12:30 am on Friday November 21 - and got to my destination at 2:30 pm same day.  The place is 549 kilometers (341 miles) away from Nandom.

I'll be celebrating "our" (family and friends and my) harvest festival (Thanksgiving) with hopefully something resembling an American meal.  No hope for Turkey - not in the budget - but I'm sure it will be nice.  I'll post about the training and Thanksgiving Ghana style to keep everyone informed when I can - but maybe not for a couple of weeks depending on how busy I am with the training.

I'll be here until Friday November 28th. But I don't know when I will get back to my site.  We have "our" (the locals and my)  harvest festival in town on the 29th, 30th, and 31st.

Presuming I don't have time to create a post before then - I hope to have pictures and information about the festivals to share with everyone in a couple of weeks.



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