Accra ping pong

Down and back.  Down and back.  Down and I’m back in Accra to get a check up on the fungal infection in my outer ear canals that has been causing so much trouble.  After taking ear drops for a month I’m down to see if it is gone.  Perhaps it is, but I don’t think so.  Fungal infections are hard to treat.  I’ll see on Monday.

The temperature remains hot and it is hot down in Accra as well.  The rabbits are dealing with it as best they can.  I’m dealing with it as best I can.  Accra rest has air conditioning in the rooms – so one of the benefits to coming down.  I don’t know of any place with air conditioning in the Nandom area.


This is the time for the students to practice marching.  Something about Marching in March sounds like a Winnie the Pooh comment.  It is part of the March 6th independence celebrations – March 6, 1957 – from Great Britain.

Drumming section to maintain cadence - a broken jerry can and an old metal bowl

Boys and girls march

Junior high and primary students march


World Map Project

I’m working on a world map project.  I was going to do the outline and let the students paint the inside – but the colors I got need to be mixed with white to lighten them enough so I can label the countries.  I think I will be doing this map and let the students and other teachers work on a map of African and one of Ghana that will also be in the library.
Day 1: Shirt 1: Painting the white and blue backgrounds

Day 2: Shirt 2: Painting the outlines (most of outlines done on second day)

Day 3: Shirt 3: Painting in some of the countries.  Yellow works - I will be able to write in name of the country

Stopped after yellow as the blue I got was too dark.  I'll mix with white to make a lighter color next week.
I was planning on the students helping with this one - but I think I'll get the kinks out.
This is in the library and we have a space for a map of Africa and one of Ghana that will be
for the students and other teachers


As mentioned I’m in Accra for a checkup.  Hopefully, I can be clear of this fungal infection before I leave Ghana – about six months left in my service.  I have mandatory meetings in early April and May that will give me an opportunity to get checked up without a special trip to Accra.

I came down starting Friday afternoon and arrived in Accra on Saturday morning about 18 hours later.  I’ll do the reverse on Monday evening to Tuesday – hopefully arriving noon'ish.

Tooth and shoulder are on the mend – but not completely healed.

Love always,



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