Literacy Workshop

Last week Peace Corps brought together the volunteers on Grenada and their counterparts for additional training in teaching literacy to primary students. It was a three day and three night event at a hotel. We arrived Tuesday night so we could get started Wednesday morning, returning to our sites Friday night. The workshop will be also held on St. Vincent and St. Lucia. The volunteers on Dominica will travel to St. Lucia. The hotel was nice – the Grenadian by Rex Resorts. It was a three star hotel, so the venue was rather upscale for Peace Corps volunteers. Of course it was still Peace Corps so we all had roommates. My roommate was a male teacher I first met during check-in who is the counterpart of a female volunteer. (Peace Corps is a very effective agency from a money perspective – its total annual worldwide budget is on par with the cost of one of our new fighter aircraft. I’m hoping the rounding error of a rounding error in the federal budget does not get cut – it is...