Bus travel

Public bus is the typical method to get around the island for those without a car. This includes Peace Corps volunteers who are not allowed to drive cars in countries served by Peace Corps. So, for example, if I vacationed in Jamaica, which has volunteers, I would not be allowed to drive because basically the Country Director there is sort of responsible for me during my stay. However, if I were to go to Guadalupe, which does not have volunteers, I could rent and drive a car. But enough about cars and what I can’t do – I can ride public transportation. And like most of the people on the island I depend on it for my travel. There are bus terminals in St. George’s and in Grenville. One can generally also pick up along most routes. Outside portion of St. George's Terminal Buses also queue up inside to cover all the routes Part of the bus terminal in Grenville. The first red bus on the left is for Munich, local 9s to different villages line up next to the buildi...