End of Term Exams and Rabbit Cage Update

The form 3 students took their final exams some weeks ago. The exams are standardize and given to all students in the country to determine if they will continue on to high school. A high score leads to a placement in a better high school. High schools in Ghana are boarding schools. This past week was exam week for the form 1 and form 2 students. The district standardized the test for the form 2 students this year to determine who would advance to form 3. The students took the tests in the school but then the test were sent to other local schools to be graded. I teach ICT to the form 2 students, but ICT was not one of the subjects tested by the district. Therefore, I did not need to grade form 2. Our school has the second largest number of form 2 students and the school that we are grading has one of the smallest number of form 2 students. I teach math and ICT to form 1 students. In our school the teachers write their own test and also grade their tests. This allows us t...