End of Term Exams and Rabbit Cage Update

The form 3 students took their final exams some weeks ago. The exams are standardize and given to all students in the country to determine if they will continue on to high school. A high score leads to a placement in a better high school. High schools in Ghana are boarding schools.

This past week was exam week for the form 1 and form 2 students. The district standardized the test for the form 2 students this year to determine who would advance to form 3. The students took the tests in the school but then the test were sent to other local schools to be graded. I teach ICT to the form 2 students, but ICT was not one of the subjects tested by the district. Therefore, I did not need to grade form 2. Our school has the second largest number of form 2 students and the school that we are grading has one of the smallest number of form 2 students.

I teach math and ICT to form 1 students. In our school the teachers write their own test and also grade their tests. This allows us to customize the test based on the topics covered. So I created the tests before I left for Accra and they were printed and copied when I returned.

I have completed grading the exams but I still need to put the results in the grade summary book. I might get that done today or tomorrow.

I'm going to mass under the tree in the community today and I hope to be able to write this entry before I have to go. Mass starts at 10'ish. Then I need to go to market and I hope to get some other things done in town.


Yesterday I worked on the rabbit cages in addition to grading exams. I worked all day and made considerable progress, putting up the wire and doors for the cages. I completed the wire and doors for the bottom cages and one set of doors on the top. I need to make and hang the doors on the last cage and put the wire on top of the cages to be finished with this part of the project.

Doors are modified screens that I pretty much have to take apart and rebuild to fit.
The bags underneath are seeds germinating.  I need to have those in the ground before I leave.
So much to do before I go, and the time to leave is coming fast!  So looking forward to it.

After this I will move the structure outside so I can put on the roof. I'll still have some things to do to figure out how best to put in the feeding and watering things. Initially (until I return from my visit home), the food and water containers might just be plastic or clay containers but I hope to think of something more efficient over time. I also need to up in hay racks for the greens. Rabbits tend to waste a lot of the greens if they are just placed on the floor of the cage.

With the progress I made this will it looks like I will complete the basic structure before I leave for Samantha's wedding. I will be going to Accra a few days before my flight for a medical examination that the Peace Corps gives to all volunteers after being in country for one year. My departure is coming up fast!

I don't know if we will be able to get the rabbits before I go. I might leave it to Roger and another man to get the rabbits while I'm away.


I'm feeling better on health wise. Nothing significant to report. My digestive system is back to normal but I have developed a cough and some sinus congestion. I think this last bit is related to working with the wood and sawdust.  And yes mom I should be wearing my dust mask – I do sometimes but not all the time.

Love always,



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