Work on the computer room continues to continue

This week the carpenters worked on the ceiling. Have a ceiling for the room with a metal roof will do two things. First, it should make the room a little cooler – as the heat from the roof is somewhat stopped. We are also going to install fans when it gets really hot. As of Saturday, the ceiling was finished and we were painting it. The second reason for the ceiling is to keep people from crawling up between the eves and getting into the room. As I watched the carpenters install an access door in case there is a problem with the electricity I asked – OK – so this is not for security? The headmaster was initially surprised at the question and then realized it was a good question. So either we are going to put a lock on the panel or I have just disclosed a security weakness to the world. Putting up the braces for the ceiling. A small person could squeeze through the openings. The next day and the carpenters were almost done. And the job is complete. We ...