Medical clearance!!
Celebration time!!!

Next steps in the process
This month I will begin more serious research on the Eastern Caribbean to prepare what I might bring. The research will include reading blogs of current Peace Corps Volunteers (PCVs) and general research. This will help me to decide what I am going to take and how to prepare.
I will also get more serious about what I have, what I want to keep, what I want to leave, what I need to give away, and what I need to get. I already have most of what I will need, but I’m also thinking of host family gifts. For example, I have a headlamp that I like and I will bring it along. But I might buy a new one or two for gifts. I will be likely staying with two families. The first part of training is on St. Lucia for 6 weeks and that will be with one host family. The second part will be on whichever of the island nations I will be assigned for three weeks with a different family.
I also need to get some things done around the house. I have a lawn mower to get repaired, trees to get trimmed, and a ceramics kiln to install. I would like to get those things done before the middle of February if possible, but some might get delayed.
I saw the dentist today and will likely complete my dental work by early May.
I will hopefully be heading off to Holland and a few other European countries for maybe a couple of weeks or so in May. And of course Miami and then St. Lucia in about 126 days if anyone is counting. You can see that I’ve updated my page to add a countdown clock. J
I also want to take some car/train/plane trips to see family and friends before I go – probably in March or April and then one last short time to visit to mom again in May.
All the work around the house and travel means that I will likely quit working by the middle of February if not sooner.
So by the tone of this post you can tell I’m still pretty amp’ed up from medical completion. I realize there was never much doubt, but I pretty much put my entire focus on getting medical stuff done. Now that it is done I need to get busy with other things.
Until next week …
Love always,
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