Professional tree trimming

112 days and I’m working on getting everything ready for my departure, presuming I get my legal clearance.

Facebook group

As I might have mentioned the Peace Corps Country Desk Officer (CDO) in Washington D.C. set up a Facebook group for people invited to serve in the Eastern Caribbean this year.  One of the functions of the Facebook group is for the people who might be training and working together to get to know each other.  It is also helpful to share questions, concerns, and solutions.  There are almost 40 people in the group counting the CDO.

Legal clearance

A member of the group recently posted a poll about who had or had not received legal clearance.  Seven people have reported being legally cleared.  I’m one of five reporting still waiting.  So I’m not alone in waiting …

Legal clearance is a background check with fingerprints to check for legal actions and also a financial check.  Other than no longer having a job, not much has changed with me in the few years since I had my last legal check.  So I check my email each business day and wait.

Tree trimming

I can’t do anything about getting my legal clearance – so I turn to what I can do to get ready.  One thing is getting the house ready for being away for 2 years.  A lot of this is just normal maintenance.

I have 3 locust trees in or overhanging into my yard that the developer planted.  Early on I was able to keep them trimmed, but after 20 years such trees tend to get large.  So I hired a local company to do the work. 

Tree on left side of backyard before trimming
Tree on right side of backyard before trimming

Tree on left side during trimming

Tree on right side after trimming

I hope to be able to report on more progress around the house in future weeks.

Travel plans

I’ve not booked airline tickets to visit friends in Europe (targeting early May) – sort of waiting for legal clearance, sort of waiting to spend the money.  I’ve not set a time to visit family around the country (targeting late March into April).  However, I have given work a heads up so I can start traveling sometime after February.

Love always,



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