Peace Corps family support
Going through my Peace Corps stuff I came across three documents that people reading this might find useful, and different from my writing. One is for the volunteer and two are for family and friends.
A Few “Minor” Adjustments
Link: PC_A_Few_Minor_Adjustments.pdf
This is a 54 page document written for the volunteer. It provides information about what to generally expect during service. It talks about adjustments to the country, climate, food, and such. Preservice training is discussed along with what one might encounter in the first few months at site and then throughout the service. It also covers readjustment after Peace Corps service.
Family and Friends Guide(Answers the most frequently asked questions by family and friends of Peace Corps Volunteers.)
Link: PC_Family_and_Friends_2012.pdf
This is a short 24 page document that covers how seriously the Peace Corps takes health and safety of the volunteers as well as methods for communicating with volunteers and family emergencies. This booklet has plenty of color pictures and provides a good overview for family and friends wondering if Peace Corps is a good idea for the loved one you might think is crazy.
On the Home Front(A handbook for the families of Volunteers)
Link: homefront.pdf
This is a 34 page older document. It has fewer pictures, all black and white. It provides more detail about Peace Corps service and what to expect during each phase (training, first year, second year, coming home) of service.
Love always,
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