A hospital visit
FIRST: I’m fine. No worries. Health issues are common for Peace Corps trainees and volunteers and I’m not the first or even the second trainee in my group to visit the fine hospital on St. Lucia used by Peace Corps. We have all gotten better with the aid of the caring staff. Peace Corps takes good care of the trainees and volunteers/
SECOND: I somehow got an infection under my right eye. I have been having an overly watery right eye and reminded the Peace Corps Medical Officers (PCMO) (a Peace Corps doctor) about the problem on Monday. I think rubbing my eye to remove the fluid (I know, I know) caused a block or infection in the tear duct or something. On Tuesday morning I noticed small swelling just under the eye as the infection got started and again notified PCMO. By Tuesday evening the infection and swelling had covered my right cheek, moved across my nose and over to my left cheek. PCMO was updated based on the considerable change in a short time.
Responding fast, one of the fine Peace Corps doctors took me around for lab, x-rays, and a doctor visit on Wednesday (taking most of the day) and I returned to my homestay late afternoon. I started a mega dose of an antibiotic course that afternoon. The good news is that we got x-ray results that ruled out a bone infection. That would have been very troubling. So, swollen face or not I got a good night sleep.
I awoke Thursday morning with even more swelling - I emailed another photo. My “homestay mom” was very concerned and called Peace Corps and they talked to me. PCMO came out again (a 1 hour drive) to check and take me to the doctor at the hospital. The homestay call, blood results, and my swelling got me admitted to the hospital that day.
With several courses of IV antibiotics the infection seems to be resolved. All the IVs might have even helped with a different condition - long lasting sinus infection which I have learned to live with.
I was released today.
The following pictures shows sometime before the infection, at the worst of it Thursday morning, and today at the hospital before discharge.

I AM FINE AND DOING WELL!!!! The infection that was causing the swelling seems gone and the unrelated sinus infection is almost gone.
THIRD: I wanted to give an update on my health, but also wanted to reflect on my time at the hospital. However, this will make the post too long and it will have to wait for next week.
Love always,
Keeping you in my prayers John. I just went to Mass & remembered you then. Stay safe my friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks. As mentioned - I'm better now. Things happen - but that is life and I'm "all in". Peace Corps medical support is great. Peace Corps gave me extra time to recover and now I'm back to training. Followup