Christmas at home

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Christmas lights in my subdivision I’ve traveled home for the holidays. My children are moving out of the house and on to other places and I’ve come back to see them off and to enjoy the holidays at home. As a Peace Corps volunteer you do miss family and it is nice to be able to take a break from service to spend time a home. I was able to spend Christmas with my kids and grand kids and to see my mom and my two brothers in Arkansas. My daughter and I took the 5.5 hour trip from St. Louis to mom’s for an overnight visit and then back to St. Louis. My short time in the states means that I’ve not been able to see nearly everyone that I wanted to see. Missy, Libby, and Andy Andy and pappa John (no relation to pizza) With Samantha and Mom Daniel and the bridge he build for the prayer garden some years ago Of course life goes on while a volunteer is away. For older volunteers this also means taking care o...