A week at school


Morning assembly

This was my first full week of school working with the students. The principal has scheduled me and another teacher to work with the children in the mornings and library time in the afternoon Monday through Thursday. Fridays are set aside for any Peace Corps activities and planning as required. Fridays are also scheduled for sports and other activities. This past Friday I needed to go to St. George’s to hand off my passport so I could get a work permit. 

During the first week of school we evaluated the reading proficiency of the forth and fifth graders identified by the principal and teachers as needing additional help. There are two primary reasons for the evaluation. First, and most obvious, is to identify the skills needing support. The second reason will come after the end of the third term when we reevaluate to quantify any improvement and assess our work.

The metrics are used for periodic metrics reporting required of all Peace Corps volunteers affectionately know as the VRF – volunteer reporting form, I’m not saying a very revolting function because I think metrics and analysis are important.

Based on the initial assessment we focused our first week of work on vowel sounds, reading with emotion, and encouraging students to read at home. The classes went well and the students were engaged with the various activities of reading, flash cards, and phonics drills. As is true in the United States and around the world, reading at home is a key factor for student school success and we will continue to work on this.

We also work with the second and third grade students. We have done some assessments of these students and have identified basic phonic skills and sight words as a focus.

The first, second, and third grades were combined due to the retirement of a teacher that could not be replaced this year. There were only a few third graders so some were advanced for forth and the rest combined into a larger classroom area. The experienced teacher and two aides give the students a good amount of attention. We might adjust our schedule, given the support the students have in the classroom.

I’m happy with the work we are doing with forth and fifth grade and continue to adjust and refine our approach for teaching and encouraging the children.
First, Second, and Third grades working before school
Brushing teeth after lunch ...

some with help

Lunch time and afternoons

The library and three classrooms are in a wing that has a walkway about a story off the ground. Right below the walkway by the library is a water pipe. My favorite lunch time activity is to watch the little kids brush their teeth.

After my favorite lunch time activity is library time. Grades are assigned time slots. We read a book to the kids and work on comprehension and vocabulary skills. I forgot to take pictures of the library, but will have some in the future.


May she rest in peace

Last week was a the funeral for my landlady who died from a sudden heart attack. She was a retired principal at a Catholic secondary school as well as a choir member at church. Before the traditional Catholic funeral there was a time for tributes. As she was very well known and popular extra time, about an hour and a half in total, was given for the tributes in word, poem, and song. It was very nice and well attended at the larger church in Grenville.

Health issue

I’m still have minor trouble with my ears. The flights here seems to have impacted my eustachian tubes and things are better, but not completely resolved. The plan is to fly to St. Lucia to see an ENT, hopefully this week. This is going to require three flights stopping over in Barbados and St. Vincent. As the flights were a major factor in the problem I’m not looking forward to the trip there and back. I’m also not happy about missing school. After the evaluation if there is any treatment required I’ll need to stay and be re-evaluated so I don’t know how long I’ll be on St. Lucia, my guess is a week. It is unfortunate, but as there is no ENT on this island the options are rather limited.

Sorry for all the cold weather going on up in the states.  We have rain a few times every day and this is supposed to be the dry season.  But we see the sun from time to time and it is always a nice temperature.  All are invited...

Love always,


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