Global warming

In high school I worried that humans might eventually dig up and burn enough of the plants and animals that had captured carbon dioxide during the time of dinosaurs and giant ferns to revert the climate to one like that of the Jurassic or Cretaceous periods. However, I didn’t think that I would see much of the effect during my lifetime. That was over 40 years ago. In the last 15 years it has been painfully obvious to me and many other people that the climate is changing faster than can be explained by natural processes and not in a good way. When I was gardening in Missouri I noticed spring and the apple blossoms creeping earlier in the year and the first frosts coming later in the fall. On the surface a slightly longer growing season was good for me. Climate change is a global process. Those who cause the most climate change may not be the ones experiencing the initial negative impacts. In the short term some areas will benefit and some will be harmed. My home in Missou...