Feast of the Holy Cross

We had the feast day for Holy Cross School and Church this week. The feast of the Holy Cross commemorates the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and we also remember Moses raising the bronze serpent. The early history around 630AD also recounts recovery of the relic captured from Jerusalem by the Persians.

The school celebrated the day with a mass Friday morning and then arts and crafts before lunch.

Students at school mass

The teachers added to the school feeding program to provide a nice lunch for everyone by bringing a dish or something. I considered chicken fried rice, but would not have been able to make enough for even a little to go around to teachers and students. Cookies were an option, but I did not plan ahead and something like 6 dozen cookies would have taken some time. So I chipped in money for the meat. Call me a wimp, I know Theresa would. However, after I set the precedent other teachers followed my example. Lunch was very nice with the kitchen staff doing much of the cooking. 

The kids and teachers also got ice cream. Kids: just add sugar. After running around during lunch the students were able to relax quietly in class playing with blocks.

Running off the excess energy

Some kids have a lot of energy
For the parish this is the day we have our First Communion. The preparation takes two years of study for the candidates. I really respect the work that the kids and catechists have done, particularly in the last several months.
Getting ready for the procession

Start of mass
We moved mass from our normal time of 10:30 to 9 so we could celebrate with our two sister parishes. We had a little party afterwards for the feast day and the First Communicates. Another bring and share. I brought some wine.

First Communicates for Holy Cross 2018


School is going well. We are making progress on math and language. The kids have begun to settle down as well as hyperactive third graders with various attention spans can.

Students reviewing the story

New sink

The crack in the old laundry sink was getting worse so I now have my concrete replacement. It has a good size concrete washboard. Having worn out cloths hand washing in Ghana I’m currently sticking with my plunger method to agitate, but I’ll let you know if I change my mind.

Now that's a washboard

Love always,


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