Teacher’s prep week

This week was the teacher’s prep week. The principal confirmed we are not moving to the new school at this time. Construction completes on the new schedule by October. We will move between first and second term, so January in the new building.

I’ll be in third grade with a student teacher and the principal. We have six students registered. One is a transfer. The school likely would have gotten more transfers if the new building had been ready.

But for now, it’s the current building with makeshift partitions between classroom space in the lower grades. Last year first, second, and third grade was in one class. This year third grade will be its own class.

I worked with the student teacher to get things ready. Unfortunately neither one of us is very artistic. She asked me to decorate a folder for scheme of work, descriptions of what we will do in each subject. When she saw my “art work” she got a new folder and had someone else to do it.

I guess it is important to show one’s limitations early.

I did buy two posters for our space to brightened up the place and help remind students about the alphabet and such. I also bought some poster boards as the school didn’t have any – following the tradition of teachers buying supplies for the classroom.

One of the posters will be used for the timetable. I did the grid and will get someone else to print the subjects and times (in consideration of my aforementioned abilities). We should get the official schedule of subjects from the principal on Monday.

I hope to have new school and student pictures next week.

Also last week I had a Peace Corps meeting. I was part of a panel session of current volunteers to help get the new trainees up to speed. I gave the presentation on budgeting and helped with the other topics. The trainees will swear in as volunteers this week, so I'll miss at least part of another day.

Stop and smell the roses.

In the spirit of stopping and smelling the roses, well tropical flowers, before the start of the school year with the kids I wanted to share some of the pictures of flowers I’ve taken on the islands of Dominica and Grenada over the last year.


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