
This past week was midterm week with a holiday on Thursday and no school on Friday. Wednesday was a staff development day. Tuesday, as part of child month was a school fun day. I did have Monday to teach. A good way to ease back into school after the week on St. Lucia I guess. However, as we had a PTA meeting after school that day it was a bit long. Assembly on Monday A police officer gave a talk at the PTA meeting Our school joined with another nearby school to enjoy the day on Tuesday. Grenada had rain every day I was in St. Lucia and it continued through Tuesday, but we still got to play on our field most of the day. Kids from both schools hang out together After the rain delay Part of the activities was cricket. There was a girls match and a boys match. Our school won one and lost one. The teachers played the tie breaker. I have been watching the game but some things still do not make much sense. I asked one of the other teachers a few ques...