Last week home

I'm writing this just before the wedding Saturday evening but it will post after the wedding on Sunday. I fly out of St. Louis on Sunday evening and I arrive in Accra, Ghana on Monday evening.  About one year left in my service.

This week was spent catching up with a few people in St. Louis. I went to my parish, ICD, to greet those who remembered me and to make arrangements for the columbarium. Currently Theresa's mortal remains are at my parent's parish. However, ICD was her last parish and the one where she did the most work – particularly as a PSR teacher and St. Vincent de Paul volunteer. ICD does not yet have a columbarium, but will likely have it completed by the time of my return at year from now. The pastor saw me but I'm not sure he recognized me and the two associate pastors came after I left so they don't know me from Adam. A lot of things change is a little over a year. However, Amy, Barb, and others remembered me and it was nice to reconnect. I was thinking about attending a St. Vincent de Paul meeting – but my evenings were busy.

I met with some people I worked with at Express Scripts (Jim and Frank) and MasterCard (Dan). I respect those working in large corporations, but I'm glad I left and I'm hoping that I will not need to return. My age and the gap in employment in the computer field pretty much precludes the possibility of going back into my field after my service in Ghana anyway. My heart is crushed. Not.

I also saw T.J. from my days at the Red Cross and Barb at REI – a friend who helped with my preparation for Ghana. I had a most pleasant evening with Brandon's family on Wednesday night.

Of course my service in Ghana came up in discussion. Being honest I talked about the good and bad with all these people. The summary message was that although frustrating and difficult at times my service is satisfying because I think I helping make the world a better place.

Saying “I want to do work to make the world a better place” is from my heart – but I want to be clear that I think everyone is doing that as much as they can in that regard. Raising a family, grandkids, volunteering at home, etc. is all good and important. My life and circumstance allows me to volunteer for the Peace Corps – most people can't.

Wedding rehearsal

This is written before the wedding so I don't have pictures. But I do have a couple from the rehearsal.

Samantha giving directions for the ceremony (twin flower girls in background)

My sister-in-law Patti, brother Rodney, mom Loretta, and
Elaine (Theresa's college roommate and long time friend - my friend as well)


My cough is just about done. My (correction) left shoulder still hurts with certain movements. My chiropractor son suggested some exercises and I'll check in with the Peace Corps doctor on my return to at least document the pain.

Next week - back in Ghana......

Love always,



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