
It is Christmas and I’m in Accra due to some medical issues.  I wanted to be at site for the holidays, but the medical problem seemed more severe so I came down early.  However, after an initial consult it was seen that I have a chipped rather than broken tooth so it can wait and as nothing can be done during the holidays.  I can stay in Accra or travel to site and back (which would be very difficult and I would spend more days traveling that at site if it was even possible to travel on the holidays.)

Of course I would prefer to be a site or back at home in the states for Christmas.  Being a traveler during this season is not most people’s preference.  But, there is a precedent for experiencing Christmas that way.  At least I have a bed to sleep in rather than having to sleep in a barn worried about a pregnant wife about to give birth.

Part of why I joined the Peace Corps was to learn to simplify my life.  Can I be happy without a full time job, nice car, big house, easy access to food, etc.?  This Christmas I get to see if I can be happy without being home and without being at site, with some aches and pains and some uncertainty about what will happen (root canal or not).

I am surprised that I’m satisfied and peacefully content about my current situation.  When I think that my situation is much better than a huge number of our brothers and sisters in the world I know that I should be extraordinarily grateful.

I’m also grateful that I don’t have to fight mall shopping, don’t have to be shopping and caught up in the things that make it harder to free to enjoy Christmas. 

I don’t want to seem superior, because I know I’m not.  And I don’t want to look down or condemn what the Christmas season has become.  It is great and wonderful and everyone is in their own place. 

I’m simply a simple soul being put into situations to become simpler whether I like it or not.

To my family and friends I wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  This includes greetings to those who celebrate the season in other ways.

Accra Rest

One of the things at Accra rest is a garden.  So in the interest of having pictures showing what it looks like on Christmas here are a couple of pictures:

Cauliflower growing in the garden

Onions, lettuce, and other things in the garden


My tooth ended up being a major chip that did not damage the roots and may not have reached the pulp.  So it is much better than a cracked or broken tooth, but still something that needs to be addressed.   It will be addressed with a crown and possibly a root canal after the New Year.  Hopefully I’m back to site before school starts.

My shoulder is slightly worse – with more pain and less range of motion, but I can’t get therapy this week or next.

Merry Christmas – Love always



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