Out Of One Job And Into A New One

We got a new ICT teacher this week. The headmaster did not have a choice in the matter. The new teacher seems fine, he was a teacher at the local senior high school, but circumstances changed. I don’t know, and don’t need to know, the whole story. The big impact is that he is teaching all of my classes starting this week. It has been nice hearing the students come up to say they would rather have me teach them, but we are making the best of it. So now what am I to do? One thing is certain in the Peace Corps. You will be placed in an environment that has plenty of potential work. I hope to be able to take some of the more advanced students through some programming theory and practice using a programming language called “Scratch” from MIT that takes a lego approach to writing programs. I need to get started on this soon. There are other things that could be done with the computer to make them more useful at the Junior High level, such as...