Back in Accra but not yet to back to the Upper West

I received great medical care for my teeth while in Morocco.  The doctors also worked on my sore shoulder – nothing major – a bruised muscle that will take more than a few months to heal.  And then I have a recurring problem growing a fungus in my ear canal – so that is also being treated.

The food and the people of Morocco are great.  I stayed in Rabat but was able to chat with some of the local Peace Corps Volunteers.  I left Morocco on Friday night/Saturday morning.

I’m now back in Ghana, but I cannot get out of Accra until Monday night as the bus is full for Saturday night and Sunday night.  So it will be a little bit longer before I get to site on Tuesday afternoon.  I should get some teaching in and I will check on my other projects.  However, I’m also to come back for an ENT visit to check up on my ears in a couple of weeks.

I don’t have a lot to say this time, so I figured I would show a few pictures of Morocco.

Cathedral of St. Peter.  I went to a nice mass.  General all Africans,
rather than to typical Arab one commonly sees on the street.
I was one of only able 5 lighter skinned people - so a lot of mass in the Upper West but in French.

View of a small river leading into the ocean with the old city on the left.

Cannon are displayed on a part of the fort at the top of the hill.

This part of the old city has a blue paint from Portugal on the bottom and white on top -
common throughout this old part of the city.

Old housing does not mean that satellite dishes are prohibited.

Looking down on the beach area.

A small part of the cemetery by the ocean. 

Part of the old wall and stairs -
and someone walking down a motorcycle

Cats are everywhere in Rabat - they all seem well feed.

Part of the gardens by to old city

The really old city - the ruins of Chellah 

Some of the ruins within the site

Storks nest in many ares of the ruins and can be seen flying around the area.
The missing top of the minaret fell to the weight of the storks nests

Another view of the ruins with some of the newer city in the background.

A clementine tree.  Citrus grows well in the area.
All of the orange juice in restaurants and sold be street vendors is fresh squeezed.

I am glad that I was able to see a small part of Morocco (Maroc) and wonder if I will get a chance to visit in again.  (While hoping not to visit again as part of a medical issue.)

Love always



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