Thanksgiving – 2016

I selected a job as a grocery store cashier knowing that Thanksgiving and Christmas would be busy times – as the week before Thanksgiving was busy.  However, I did have a lot of fun with the customers.  Most everyone seemed to be in a good mood before Thanksgiving.  I was working at one of the better stores who recognize family time is important - the stores were closed on the holiday.  I was sort of surprised on Friday with the number of people frustrated or otherwise not in a great mood.  Hmmmm.

Being with part of my family this year was nice.  I’ll likely be apart from family again for the next two Thanksgiving so this one was extra special.  My oldest son and his wife hosted the first dinner for Samantha, Brandon, and I.  We also shared a meal with Brandon’s family in the evening.  Both were very nice.

Medical clearance

With the holiday – I’ve not made much progress on medical.  I expect to get my eye exam next week and will check in with my primary care doctor to follow up on the tests I need to get done before January 12th.


I’ve sent off my passport and my legal clearance after getting both sets of fingerprints.  Since I am sending in my current Peace Corps passport – I did not need to wait in line at the post office (to verify my identity).  I found this out after my second trip and waiting for about 45 minutes.  Oh well.  Waiting is good practice for a Peace Corps volunteer.


I’ve completed the training videos so I think that part of the prep is done.


I’m working on my resume and aspiration statement.  These are documents sent to the Country Director and staff so they can prepare for the incoming training group.  The documents are due within 30 days of accepting the invite.  I hope to have them completed this week.


Looking forward to getting medical clearance to serve. 

Love always,



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