Grenada and hurricane Ivan

The final term of the school year started this week. Teachers and students and Peace Corps volunteer got back into the routine and down to work. I have a new schedule to work with the students and a number of activities scheduled in the coming weeks. I hope to have more information and new pictures soon.

Hurricane season “officially” begins June 1 and runs through the end of November, although Mother Nature doesn’t always stick to that schedule. The recent first estimate for the coming hurricane season predicted another year of “above average” activity. People on the islands, as well as the gulf coast, pay attention to hurricane news.

I’ve been interested in hurricanes since Theresa and I helped out with Red Cross support of those impacted by Katrina. Of course hurricane Maria is the reason that Peace Corps moved me from Dominica to Grenada, so I’m even more interested now.

The last major hurricane to hit Grenada and the one most people talk about was Ivan, in September of 2004. Although it was also visited by Irma in 2005. Historically, Grenada is impacted by tropical storms/hurricanes once every 6 years, gets a direct hit about every 30 years and a major hurricane about every 50.

Again – “past performance is no guarantee of future results” and climate change certainly has demonstrated it’s impact on the strength of storm development.

Almost 15 years later the scars from Ivan can still be seen around Munich.

Some of the abandoned houses around Munich

Old Church in Grenville

As I previously mentioned, the school building I’m in now was the community center. (My old school in Dominica is now using the community center as it was also totaled.)

Back side of old school

Still life goes on. The community is finally getting a new school and I’ve noticed the serious method people use in building homes. The roof is basically integrated into walls and the thick gauge metal roof is installed with screws.

Work continues on the new school that will also be a community storm shelter

New home being build along the bus route from Munich to Grenville

I’ll have more pictures of the new school when it is finished.

Love always,


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