St. Louis Pride Festival

The St. Louis Pride festival is this weekend and the Peace Corps has an information booth so I volunteered to help out yesterday.  I was there from 11 am to 1 pm, on Saturday before it got really crowded.

Still I was able to talk with a number of people interested in the Peace Corps.  Some of the young people were looking for ways to improve career opportunities.  Some of the people with more grey than pink in their hair were interested in a change from their current career.  I was happy to speak with a number of high school students very interested in Peace Corps.  They know they need to get a 4 year degree so they have time to think about it.

Nice sunny day out for the festival when I was there.
Had to get a picture with the arch in the background.
Still need to work on my selfie
Replacements take off the booth at 1 pm, just as it is getting hot.
(at least by STL standards - I thought it was still rather cool)
There are many benefits associated with Peace Corps service.  I think the most alluring, and most potentially rewarding, is the feeling arising from helping people and helping make the world a better place.  Of course that can also be done at home and I talked with some people doing that as well.


My cough is pretty much gone.  I need to clear my lungs in the morning and such; it is very manageable.  The pulmonologist does not think my condition is very severe and does not see a problem signing off on medical clearance once a few more test results are turned in.

This week coming up I’m going to focus on my shoulders and hip – working out the lingering pain and learning strengthening exercises.  I guess I should also work on practicing the exercises.

Love always,



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